🌟 Enhance Your Server with Custom Welcome and Leave Messages! 🌟


Welcome and leave messages are important for making players feel valued and providing a personalized experience on your Minecraft server. Adding custom messages for when players join or leave can enhance their experience and make your server stand out. In this guide, we'll show you how to create and customize these messages using Skript.

The Importance of Custom Messages:

Custom messages help to create a welcoming environment for new players and give a sense of closure when they leave. By personalizing these messages, you can convey friendliness and maintain a positive atmosphere on your server.

How to Customize Your Messages:

Follow these steps to customize your Minecraft server's welcome and leave messages using Skript. You can use symbols and colors to make the messages more engaging.

1. Welcome Message Script:

Use the following code to create a welcoming message for players who join your server:

on join:
    send "&a➤ %player% has just joined ➤ &eHave a great time!" to player

2. Leave Message Script:

Use the following code to create a farewell message for players who leave your server:

on quit:
    send "&c➤ %player% has left the server ➤ &eWe hope to see you again!" to player


To install and use these Skript files on your server, follow these steps:

  1. Download Skript Plugin: Make sure you have the Skript plugin installed on your Minecraft server. You can download it from the official Skript website or a trusted plugin repository.
  2. Place the Skript Files: Save the provided Skript code into separate files with a .sk extension (e.g., welcome_message.sk and leave_message.sk) and place them in the /plugins/Skript/scripts/ directory of your server.
  3. Reload Skript: Use the command /skript reload <script_name> in your server console or in-game to apply the changes.


Customizing both welcome and leave messages is a great way to improve the player experience on your Minecraft server. By using symbols and colors, you can make these messages more engaging and personalized. Try out the scripts provided and see how they enhance your server's atmosphere!

Get Creative:

Experiment with different symbols, colors, and messages to match your server’s theme. The more personalized your messages, the more memorable your server will be for players!

Stay Tuned:

For more tips and tricks on customizing your Minecraft server, stay tuned to our blog. We’ll be sharing more ways to enhance your server’s experience!

Download welcome_message.sk Download leave_message.sk